The Cult I May Have Gotten Myself Into

Sonia Azeta
3 min readAug 16, 2022

Dear reader, welcome back to my Medium.

I know it’s been a short time since my last post and now. Since I’ve been away, one thing I’ve realized about writing about things around you is that sometimes you might feel like nothing is interesting enough to write about. But that’s just an excuse I’ve been giving myself for not putting out anything out because I recently started this thing where I romanticize my life, I mean I even made an Instagram highlight that says My Life is A Movie (MLIAM). Anyways, I’m back now.

It’s 3 am and here’s a quick catch-up of everything I’ve been up to. Let’s dive right in shall we?

First things first, I’ve met some really interesting people in the last couple of weeks. And while you might think it’s not a big deal since we meet people every day, I beg to differ because These meetings started conversations that have been left hanging or ended for the flimsiest of reasons.

Of all the people I met, the one that stood out the most was someone who felt the unnecessary urge to prove he was a big shot by overly sharing unsolicited information every chance they got. Humans are very fascinating (reading this out loud, it sounds as though I’m an alien).

Next thing is workout. As I write this, I’m currently halfway through my third month of going to the gym. And out of the goodness of my heart, I’m going to be spilling the tea about everything nobody told you about the gym.

First of all, you don’t go to the gym only to lose weight. Apparently, that’s the first thing that pops into people’s heads whenever someone talks about hitting the gym. You can go to the gym for different reasons, including losing weight, bulking up, staying in shape, and to be very honest, even just to meet people, which is okay if you are fine with paying money to watch people lift dumbbells and have conversations over loud music.

Ladies, ever experienced hormonal imbalance? If you haven’t, well, get ready for it to be the worst experience ever because your period is going to go away, leaving you with anxiety and a series of trips to the pharmacy and tons of PT tests. *Mum if you ever see this, I’m not having sex*.

And last but not least, I’ve discovered a hard truth that may have influenced the title of this article, and it’s called the pump. Essentially, the pump is the rush of blood to your muscles that leaves them enlarged. And reality check, you can never be bigger than your pump. So, you have to constantly lift heavy stuff to keep expanding your muscles. But once you start, there’s no going back. Unless of course, you love your body in all its stages, which is now my favorite affirmation and mantra.

I’ve also been reminded of how temporal people and even situations can be. The bout of suffering you think might not end anytime soon will end. And some of the people you’re holding on to so tight will go. I’ve been reminded that it’s easier to just trust the universe and free fall. And believe it or not, things really do work themselves out.

So the next time you think to yourself that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, be gently reminded that what doesn’t kill you will try again until it succeeds. But only if you let it though. *winks*

Till the next publication,

Think Happy Thoughts

